Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Short Updates

It's been a while ya? So how are you guys doing? We definitely feel awesome. We've just finished our try outs at school and now we just have to wait for the results. Sit back and chill. haha Short updates.
Last saturday, Lady joined a competition at University of Indonesia. Accounting competition, to be exact (Yes, I know. Lousy, right? haha) but anyway, she managed to be in the top 10 out of 53 schools. She got the 4th rank, and it means, she has to compete again next week until she can be numero uno (Me and Ruth crossing our fingers lol).
And, last Sunday was my17th Birthday. Yaay! Ruth and Lady went to my house and gave me a surprise. How lovely. Any updates about Ruth? Well, she's been enjoying her life recently. Perfect.
our (unimportant-but-good) photos !

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just the two of us by Ilham and friend

We were browsing some videos on you tube, and guess what? We found our friend's video. And we think you should check this out because it's really good. So what do you think? Good, isn't it? And for Ilham, I hope you don't mind if we put your video in our blog :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is us

Oh and if you might wanna take a look at our faces. There you go!

Introduction and welcoming message

The fan is moving, our hairs are waving because of the wind. And we're successfully sitting in hunger. the TV is muted, the sound is damn noisy added by our screams and laughs. but the sounds of our stomach is even louder than all of it. No money. No energy. No effort to even get out of the house. That's why we decided to create this stupid blog. So goodbye and enjoy xoxo, Ruth, Lady, Nicke